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A Child's History of England Page 4

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  Dickens, Charles - A Child's History of England

  remembrance of the Divine religion which now taught his conqueror,

  the noble ALFRED, to forgive the enemy who had so often injured

  him. This, GUTHRUM did. At his baptism, KING ALFRED was his

  godfather. And GUTHRUM was an honourable chief who well deserved

  that clemency; for, ever afterwards he was loyal and faithful to

  the king. The Danes under him were faithful too. They plundered

  and burned no more, but worked like honest men. They ploughed, and

  sowed, and reaped, and led good honest English lives. And I hope

  the children of those Danes played, many a time, with Saxon

  children in the sunny fields; and that Danish young men fell in

  love with Saxon girls, and married them; and that English

  travellers, benighted at the doors of Danish cottages, often went

  in for shelter until morning; and that Danes and Saxons sat by the

  red fire, friends, talking of KING ALFRED THE GREAT.

  All the Danes were not like these under GUTHRUM; for, after some

  years, more of them came over, in the old plundering and burning

  way - among them a fierce pirate of the name of HASTINGS, who had

  the boldness to sail up the Thames to Gravesend, with eighty ships.

  For three years, there was a war with these Danes; and there was a

  famine in the country, too, and a plague, both upon human creatures

  and beasts. But KING ALFRED, whose mighty heart never failed him,

  built large ships nevertheless, with which to pursue the pirates on

  the sea; and he encouraged his soldiers, by his brave example, to

  fight valiantly against them on the shore. At last, he drove them

  all away; and then there was repose in England.

  As great and good in peace, as he was great and good in war, KING

  ALFRED never rested from his labours to improve his people. He

  loved to talk with clever men, and with travellers from foreign

  countries, and to write down what they told him, for his people to

  read. He had studied Latin after learning to read English, and now

  another of his labours was, to translate Latin books into the

  English-Saxon tongue, that his people might be interested, and

  improved by their contents. He made just laws, that they might

  live more happily and freely; he turned away all partial judges,

  that no wrong might be done them; he was so careful of their

  property, and punished robbers so severely, that it was a common

  thing to say that under the great KING ALFRED, garlands of golden

  chains and jewels might have hung across the streets, and no man

  would have touched one. He founded schools; he patiently heard

  causes himself in his Court of Justice; the great desires of his

  heart were, to do right to all his subjects, and to leave England

  better, wiser, happier in all ways, than he found it. His industry

  in these efforts was quite astonishing. Every day he divided into

  certain portions, and in each portion devoted himself to a certain

  pursuit. That he might divide his time exactly, he had wax torches

  or candles made, which were all of the same size, were notched

  across at regular distances, and were always kept burning. Thus,

  as the candles burnt down, he divided the day into notches, almost

  as accurately as we now divide it into hours upon the clock. But

  when the candles were first invented, it was found that the wind

  and draughts of air, blowing into the palace through the doors and

  windows, and through the chinks in the walls, caused them to gutter

  and burn unequally. To prevent this, the King had them put into

  cases formed of wood and white horn. And these were the first

  lanthorns ever made in England.

  All this time, he was afflicted with a terrible unknown disease,

  which caused him violent and frequent pain that nothing could

  relieve. He bore it, as he had borne all the troubles of his life,

  like a brave good man, until he was fifty-three years old; and

  then, having reigned thirty years, he died. He died in the year

  nine hundred and one; but, long ago as that is, his fame, and the

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  love and gratitude with which his subjects regarded him, are

  freshly remembered to the present hour.

  In the next reign, which was the reign of EDWARD, surnamed THE

  ELDER, who was chosen in council to succeed, a nephew of KING

  ALFRED troubled the country by trying to obtain the throne. The

  Danes in the East of England took part with this usurper (perhaps

  because they had honoured his uncle so much, and honoured him for

  his uncle's sake), and there was hard fighting; but, the King, with

  the assistance of his sister, gained the day, and reigned in peace

  for four and twenty years. He gradually extended his power over

  the whole of England, and so the Seven Kingdoms were united into


  When England thus became one kingdom, ruled over by one Saxon king,

  the Saxons had been settled in the country more than four hundred

  and fifty years. Great changes had taken place in its customs

  during that time. The Saxons were still greedy eaters and great

  drinkers, and their feasts were often of a noisy and drunken kind;

  but many new comforts and even elegances had become known, and were

  fast increasing. Hangings for the walls of rooms, where, in these

  modern days, we paste up paper, are known to have been sometimes

  made of silk, ornamented with birds and flowers in needlework.

  Tables and chairs were curiously carved in different woods; were

  sometimes decorated with gold or silver; sometimes even made of

  those precious metals. Knives and spoons were used at table;

  golden ornaments were worn - with silk and cloth, and golden

  tissues and embroideries; dishes were made of gold and silver,

  brass and bone. There were varieties of drinking-horns, bedsteads,

  musical instruments. A harp was passed round, at a feast, like the

  drinking-bowl, from guest to guest; and each one usually sang or

  played when his turn came. The weapons of the Saxons were stoutly

  made, and among them was a terrible iron hammer that gave deadly

  blows, and was long remembered. The Saxons themselves were a

  handsome people. The men were proud of their long fair hair,

  parted on the forehead; their ample beards, their fresh

  complexions, and clear eyes. The beauty of the Saxon women filled

  all England with a new delight and grace.

  I have more to tell of the Saxons yet, but I stop to say this now,

  because under the GREAT ALFRED, all the best points of the English-

  Saxon character were first encouraged, and in him first shown. It

  has been the greatest character among the nations of the earth.

  Wherever the descendants of the Saxon race have gone, have sailed,

  or otherwise made their way, even to the remotest regions of the

  world, they have been patient, persevering, never to be broken in

  spirit, never to be turned aside from enterprises on which they

  have resolved. In Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the whole world

  over; in the desert, in the forest, on the sea; scorched by a

nbsp; burning sun, or frozen by ice that never melts; the Saxon blood

  remains unchanged. Wheresoever that race goes, there, law, and

  industry, and safety for life and property, and all the great

  results of steady perseverance, are certain to arise.

  I pause to think with admiration, of the noble king who, in his

  single person, possessed all the Saxon virtues. Whom misfortune

  could not subdue, whom prosperity could not spoil, whose

  perseverance nothing could shake. Who was hopeful in defeat, and

  generous in success. Who loved justice, freedom, truth, and

  knowledge. Who, in his care to instruct his people, probably did

  more to preserve the beautiful old Saxon language, than I can

  imagine. Without whom, the English tongue in which I tell this

  story might have wanted half its meaning. As it is said that his

  spirit still inspires some of our best English laws, so, let you

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  and I pray that it may animate our English hearts, at least to this

  - to resolve, when we see any of our fellow-creatures left in

  ignorance, that we will do our best, while life is in us, to have

  them taught; and to tell those rulers whose duty it is to teach

  them, and who neglect their duty, that they have profited very

  little by all the years that have rolled away since the year nine

  hundred and one, and that they are far behind the bright example of



  ATHELSTAN, the son of Edward the Elder, succeeded that king. He

  reigned only fifteen years; but he remembered the glory of his

  grandfather, the great Alfred, and governed England well. He

  reduced the turbulent people of Wales, and obliged them to pay him

  a tribute in money, and in cattle, and to send him their best hawks

  and hounds. He was victorious over the Cornish men, who were not

  yet quite under the Saxon government. He restored such of the old

  laws as were good, and had fallen into disuse; made some wise new

  laws, and took care of the poor and weak. A strong alliance, made

  against him by ANLAF a Danish prince, CONSTANTINE King of the

  Scots, and the people of North Wales, he broke and defeated in one

  great battle, long famous for the vast numbers slain in it. After

  that, he had a quiet reign; the lords and ladies about him had

  leisure to become polite and agreeable; and foreign princes were

  glad (as they have sometimes been since) to come to England on

  visits to the English court.

  When Athelstan died, at forty-seven years old, his brother EDMUND,

  who was only eighteen, became king. He was the first of six boykings,

  as you will presently know.

  They called him the Magnificent, because he showed a taste for

  improvement and refinement. But he was beset by the Danes, and had

  a short and troubled reign, which came to a troubled end. One

  night, when he was feasting in his hall, and had eaten much and

  drunk deep, he saw, among the company, a noted robber named LEOF,

  who had been banished from England. Made very angry by the

  boldness of this man, the King turned to his cup-bearer, and said,

  'There is a robber sitting at the table yonder, who, for his

  crimes, is an outlaw in the land - a hunted wolf, whose life any

  man may take, at any time. Command that robber to depart!' 'I

  will not depart!' said Leof. 'No?' cried the King. 'No, by the

  Lord!' said Leof. Upon that the King rose from his seat, and,

  making passionately at the robber, and seizing him by his long

  hair, tried to throw him down. But the robber had a dagger

  underneath his cloak, and, in the scuffle, stabbed the King to

  death. That done, he set his back against the wall, and fought so

  desperately, that although he was soon cut to pieces by the King's

  armed men, and the wall and pavement were splashed with his blood,

  yet it was not before he had killed and wounded many of them. You

  may imagine what rough lives the kings of those times led, when one

  of them could struggle, half drunk, with a public robber in his own

  dining-hall, and be stabbed in presence of the company who ate and

  drank with him.

  Then succeeded the boy-king EDRED, who was weak and sickly in body,

  but of a strong mind. And his armies fought the Northmen, the

  Danes, and Norwegians, or the Sea-Kings, as they were called, and

  beat them for the time. And, in nine years, Edred died, and passed

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  Then came the boy-king EDWY, fifteen years of age; but the real

  king, who had the real power, was a monk named DUNSTAN - a clever

  priest, a little mad, and not a little proud and cruel.

  Dunstan was then Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, whither the body of

  King Edmund the Magnificent was carried, to be buried. While yet a

  boy, he had got out of his bed one night (being then in a fever),

  and walked about Glastonbury Church when it was under repair; and,

  because he did not tumble off some scaffolds that were there, and

  break his neck, it was reported that he had been shown over the

  building by an angel. He had also made a harp that was said to

  play of itself - which it very likely did, as AEolian Harps, which

  are played by the wind, and are understood now, always do. For

  these wonders he had been once denounced by his enemies, who were

  jealous of his favour with the late King Athelstan, as a magician;

  and he had been waylaid, bound hand and foot, and thrown into a

  marsh. But he got out again, somehow, to cause a great deal of

  trouble yet.

  The priests of those days were, generally, the only scholars. They

  were learned in many things. Having to make their own convents and

  monasteries on uncultivated grounds that were granted to them by

  the Crown, it was necessary that they should be good farmers and

  good gardeners, or their lands would have been too poor to support

  them. For the decoration of the chapels where they prayed, and for

  the comfort of the refectories where they ate and drank, it was

  necessary that there should be good carpenters, good smiths, good

  painters, among them. For their greater safety in sickness and

  accident, living alone by themselves in solitary places, it was

  necessary that they should study the virtues of plants and herbs,

  and should know how to dress cuts, burns, scalds, and bruises, and

  how to set broken limbs. Accordingly, they taught themselves, and

  one another, a great variety of useful arts; and became skilful in

  agriculture, medicine, surgery, and handicraft. And when they

  wanted the aid of any little piece of machinery, which would be

  simple enough now, but was marvellous then, to impose a trick upon

  the poor peasants, they knew very well how to make it; and DID make

  it many a time and often, I have no doubt.

  Dunstan, Abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, was one of the most sagacious

  of these monks. He was an ingenious smith, and worked at a forge

  in a little cell. This cell was made too short to admit of his

/>   lying at full length when he went to sleep - as if THAT did any

  good to anybody! - and he used to tell the most extraordinary lies

  about demons and spirits, who, he said, came there to persecute

  him. For instance, he related that one day when he was at work,

  the devil looked in at the little window, and tried to tempt him to

  lead a life of idle pleasure; whereupon, having his pincers in the

  fire, red hot, he seized the devil by the nose, and put him to such

  pain, that his bellowings were heard for miles and miles. Some

  people are inclined to think this nonsense a part of Dunstan's

  madness (for his head never quite recovered the fever), but I think

  not. I observe that it induced the ignorant people to consider him

  a holy man, and that it made him very powerful. Which was exactly

  what he always wanted.

  On the day of the coronation of the handsome boy-king Edwy, it was

  remarked by ODO, Archbishop of Canterbury (who was a Dane by

  birth), that the King quietly left the coronation feast, while all

  the company were there. Odo, much displeased, sent his friend

  Dunstan to seek him. Dunstan finding him in the company of his

  beautiful young wife ELGIVA, and her mother ETHELGIVA, a good and

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  virtuous lady, not only grossly abused them, but dragged the young

  King back into the feasting-hall by force. Some, again, think

  Dunstan did this because the young King's fair wife was his own

  cousin, and the monks objected to people marrying their own

  cousins; but I believe he did it, because he was an imperious,

  audacious, ill-conditioned priest, who, having loved a young lady

  himself before he became a sour monk, hated all love now, and

  everything belonging to it.

  The young King was quite old enough to feel this insult. Dunstan

  had been Treasurer in the last reign, and he soon charged Dunstan

  with having taken some of the last king's money. The Glastonbury

  Abbot fled to Belgium (very narrowly escaping some pursuers who

  were sent to put out his eyes, as you will wish they had, when you

  read what follows), and his abbey was given to priests who were

  married; whom he always, both before and afterwards, opposed. But

  he quickly conspired with his friend, Odo the Dane, to set up the

  King's young brother, EDGAR, as his rival for the throne; and, not